10 Year Anniversary Party

Hannah McKee

Richie’s Spirit Foundation celebrated 10 Years of Passing the Spirit, this June, with an Anniversary Celebration in Dallas. The evening included dinner and meaningful remarks from Executive Director Jordan Herskowitz, board members Melissa Berger and Donna Hartman, and TAG Committee Member Frances Jameson.

Richie’s friend, Hannah McKee, concluded the evening by speaking about Richie’s continued impact years after his passing. “We all have the same choice to be positive and encouraging, like Richie did everyday, in spite of what may happen to us,” Hannah shared. “We can all follow his extraordinary example of how to live life with meaning and purpose.”


The celebration also included the presentation of a $500 Transplant Assistance Grant to the family of Barrett Hooten, who received a triple organ transplant - kidney, lung, and heart - at the age of 20. Mr. Hooten suffered from failing kidneys since birth, followed by heart and lung complications, likely caused by his kidney medication. Much like Richie, Barrett loves sports and is known for his positivity and resilience.

“Richie’s Spirit Foundation has helped us, and so many others, find a bit of an anchor in a storm,” shared Barrett’s mother, Heidi, “We commend the foundation for bringing organ donation awareness to the forefront, and we pledge to pass the spirit of positive living, love, and education about organ donation to continue the legacy that Richie left us.”